Wildfires likely to increase by a third by 2050, warns UN

Even previously unaffected countries likely to see uncontrollable blazes, says study, which calls for shift to spending on prevention

Wildfires that have devastated California, Australia and Siberia will become 50% more common by the end of the century, according to a new report that warns of uncontrollable blazes ravaging previously unaffected parts of the planet.

The escalating climate crisis and land-use change are driving a global increase in extreme wildfires, with a 14% increase predicted by 2030 and a 30% increase by 2050, according to a UN report involving more than 50 international researchers.

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1 year ago

Thank you for highlighting important issues in this article and providing practical suggestions.

Paus4d Login
Paus4d Login
10 months ago

This article offers a fresh take on the subject matter. It’s refreshing.