Wood burners cause nearly half of urban air pollution cancer risk – study

Exclusive: Wood smoke is a more important carcinogen than vehicle fumes, finds Athens analysis

Wood burning stoves in urban areas are responsible for almost half of people’s exposure to cancer-causing chemicals found in air pollution particles, new research has shown.

The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in tiny pollution particles are produced by burning fuels and have long been known to have carcinogenic effects. The new study examined the sources of the PAHs and found wood burning produced more than the diesel fuel or petrol used in vehicles.

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prediksi hk
prediksi hk
11 months ago

Your article is a great resource for anyone looking to educate themselves on this issue. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

11 months ago

Your talent for crafting compelling content is evident in your engaging and well-written writing.