BBC Three: relaunched live TV channel struggles to win viewers

BBC Three: relaunched live TV channel struggles to win viewers

Most broadcasts fail to attract more than 100,000 viewers, according to official ratings

When BBC Three relaunched as a live television channel earlier this year, the corporation hoped its counterintuitive punt on a youth-focused broadcast outlet would help it reach new audiences. Instead, the channel’s shows are consistently being beaten in the ratings by repeats of old history programmes featuring the deceased steeplejack Fred Dibnah on BBC Four.

Most of BBC Three’s programmes have so far failed to attract more than 100,000 viewers on live television, according to official viewing figures, while some shows are lucky to get a tenth of that. Even the programmes that do perform relatively well – such as episodes of MasterChef Australia – are rarely the original distinctive in-house shows that the channel exists to provide.

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1 year ago

Your article is informative and engaging. I appreciate the way you presented the information in a way that is both interesting and easy to understand.

iso toto
iso toto
1 year ago

Your passion for this subject shines through in your writing. It’s clear you care deeply about this issue and want to make a difference.

1 year ago

This is a great article that provides practical tips and advice. I appreciate the way you presented the information in a way that is easy to understand and apply.

1 year ago

Your article sheds light on an important issue that needs more attention. Thank you for bringing awareness to it.

10 months ago

This is a well-researched article that provides valuable insights and practical advice. I appreciate the way you presented the information in a way that is easy to follow and relevant to readers.