Liz Truss rejects claims from Tories that privileges committee inquiry into Johnson won’t be fair – UK politics live

Latest updates: foreign secretary says she trusts parliamentary colleagues to ‘make the right decision’ over inquiry into claims PM lied to MPs

Boris Johnson insisted the idea of an early election “hasn’t occurred to me” but refused to rule out calling a snap poll, PA Media reports.

Speaking to reporters accompanying him on his trip to the Nato summit, Johnson said he would not “start talking about politics” at a time when he was dealing with cost-of-living pressures and the war in Ukraine. PA says he repeatedly failed to rule out the prospect of going to the country before the next scheduled election in 2024.

Do you know what, I’ve realised where I’ve been going wrong with all this.

I’ve got to recognise that years and years ago, I used to do the kind of jobs that you all do now, and it was a great, great life and a great privilege.

I’m just saying, I don’t comment on those sorts of things. The idea hadn’t occurred to me, if you really want the truth, because I’m focused on getting through the cost-of-living pressures, developing and improving, widening, our plan for a stronger economy, and making sure that we continue to offer leadership on some of the tough global issues the world faces.

I am not offering commentary, what I’m trying to get over to you is that I’m here to comment on policy, on the agenda of government.

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